Becoming a member

How to become a member of Somus?

You need:

  • first, to become a member of ICOM,
  • and then apply to become a voting member of SOMUS.

Procedure for becoming a member of ICOM:
To become a member of ICOM, you must apply to the National Committee of your country. An application form is usually downloadable from the website of each committee, or sent by its secretariat.

If a country does not have an ICOM National Committee, the ICOM Secretariat should be contacted directly:
En <Ā />

If you have a problem connecting with your National Committee, contact the ICOM Membership Service directly <>.


Procedure for becoming a member of SOMUS

By becoming a member of ICOM, you will receive an email indicating your username, and a link allowing you to create your password.

Username and password give you access to your ICOM account. You will also be able to connect to IRIS, the database of ICOM members.

Each member can thus access their individual file to check it and update, at a minimum, your email address and your international committee.

If you have any difficulty registering, please contact the SOMUS secretariat and we will be happy to help you.


More information about ICOM International Committees